Monday, 11 November 2019

Nintex Purge Data Deployment Plan - SharePoint Servers

In this article, you will learn about Nintex Purge Data Deployment Plan - SharePoint Servers.

How to purge items in a large Nintex Workflow History list

This applies to the following products: Nintex Workflow 2010, Nintex Workflow 2013.
If you have more than 5,000+ records in your Nintex workflow history list, you may need to review other options to purge these items as the GUI may fail its purge operation. This PowerShell script allows you to safely target and purge items from a workflow history list to keep the size down and manageable.

Using PowerShell to purge items

This script utilizes paging and indexing to specifically target each item and delete it. Paging helps throttle the traffic to your SQL server down by only deleting x number of items at a time before it resets and starts again. Indexing enables the targeting of items without the performance overhead of enumerating and/or querying a large collection of items.
NoteThis script will not purge or delete data using any state, this will just remove everything from given date and time.
  1. #Load Assemblies    
  2. Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.sharePoint.Powershell -erroraction SilentlyContinue    
  3. [void][System.reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint")    
  4. #Set site and list    
  5. $web = Get-SPWeb "http://your site"    
  6. $list = $web.Lists["NintexWorkflowHistory"]   
  7. #### Number of days to keep WF history (-60 = last 60 days, -180 = 6 months)    
  8. $DeleteBeforeDate = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SPUtility]::CreateISO8601DateTimeFromSystemDateTime([DateTime]::Now.AddDays(-37))    
  9. #CAML filters (last activity date), leave this line as it is.    
  10. $caml='<Where> <Lt> <FieldRef Name="Occurred" /><Value Type="DateTime">{0}</Value> </Lt> </Where> ' -f $DeleteBeforeDate    
  11. #Setup Query    
  12. $query=new-object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPQuery    
  13. $query.ViewAttributes = "Scope='Recursive'"    
  14. #$query.RowLimit = 2000 #Uncomment to Limit the number of rows returned. (Useful on extremely large lists)    
  15. $query.Query= $CAML    
  16. $items=$list.GetItems($query)    
  17. Write-Host "Number of items about to be deleted:" $items.Count    
  18. #!!! Delete Items !!!!    
  19. $items | % { $list.GetItemById($_.Id).Delete() }    
  20. #Empty Recycle Bin    
  21. write-host "Emptying Recycle Bin..."    
  22. $web.RecycleBin.DeleteAll()    
  23. #Dispose Thread    
  24. $web.Dispose()   
NoteOn the completion of this script we need to purge the history from DBO level as well, it’s more important as the part of purring the workflow history.
Only perform a dBO.WorkflowProgress clean up AFTER you have purged data from your Nintex workflow history lists. Not doing so will prevent you from purging items from the history list using the "PurgeHistoryListData" command unless the "-clearall" switch is used.
  • Below are the example screenshots for more details,

  • Copy the script to anyone of SP server and do the modification in site, date and List,

  • You can monitor the list data and count from SP site page and wait till this script is completing.

DBO table purge – Using Store procedure

  • Open SSMS, select the DB where the Site has been associate with Nintex DB, expand the DB and select programmatic and store procedure. Refer to the below screen shot.

Before we proceed, we can identify the current data on the DB for a particular Site collection.
    1. SELECT    
    2. COUNT (case when state = 2 then 'Running' else NULL endas Running ,    
    3. COUNT (case when state = 4 then 'Completed' else NULL endas Completed,    
    4. COUNT (case when state = 8 then 'Cancelled' else NULL endAs Cancelled,    
    5. COUNT (case when state = 64 then 'Error' else NULL endas Error,   
    6. COUNT (WorkflowInstanceID) AS TotalWorkflows    
    7. FROM    
    8. dbo.WorkflowInstance    
    9. where SiteID = 'xxxx6517c-47d4-4c48-9bc8-604d50eecxxxxx'  
    Once, you have identified and made a note, we are good to go with SP to purge data from DBO table.
    • Just click on ok for the store procedure page and wait until purging is completed.
    • We can also use one or more of the parameters to fine-tune the query to limit the information that is removed.

    MS Team - Sync SharePoint Files With One Drive

    You can sync your SharePoint Online files to a folder on your computer where you can work directly in File Explorer and access the files even when you're offline. Whenever you're online, any changes that you or others make will sync automatically.
    Once you open MS Teams Application, you will get the teams that you have added.
    MS Team - Sync SharePoint Files With The OneDrive
    Select the Channel where the documents have been added and you want to sync in local machine.
    Select Channel> click on ‘Files Tab, you will be getting the document folder, this process is applicable for all the Channels.
    MS Team - Sync SharePoint Files With The OneDrive
    Select the File and select “Open in SharePoint” option available in the teams, see the below image for more details.
    MS Team - Sync SharePoint Files With The OneDrive
    It will redirect us to the browser, now click on sync button available in the Site, Click Documents or navigate to the subfolder you want to sync.
    Click the Sync button. (You only need to do this once in a computer to set up syncing on that computer. After you set up syncing, the files sync automatically.)
    If your browser requests permission to use "Microsoft OneDrive," confirm.
    MS Team - Sync SharePoint Files With The OneDrive
    Choose the folders that you want to sync, and then click Start sync, for example, I am selecting I subfolder from the files, we can clear all checkboxes from the folder and navigate to the particular folder which we want to sync.
    MS Team - Sync SharePoint Files With The OneDrive
    The files will sync to a folder on your PC that has the name of your organization (for example, %userprofile%\cvbn). This folder is automatically added to the left pane in File Explorer. You can’t select to sync to a different location.
    The moment it’s getting synchronized, we can track or monitor as well by clicking on the OneDrive icon from taskbar, which will show the status of file synchronization.
    Once it's done we can see that the folder structure will copy from parent and will sync only the selected folder which we have added for sync, also we can notice that OneDrive Icon in the taskbar will be clear once it’s synchronization is completed.